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Attached to Project: CRUX-ARM
Opened by Jose V Beneyto - 2012-03-14
Last edited by Jose V Beneyto - 2012-10-04

FS#24 - Configuration per device

We should think in a way to have enough documentation for every device support. That includes:

1) Installation

 Should support all devices if not it should be noted in one section called Exceptions or similar
 Should be homogeneous for branches
 In wikipages could be called, the one we have now but is empty ATM

2) Postinstallation tips (per <device>)

 Dedicated tips only related to finish the installation not the configuration
 With a General section (if required) and a section per device supported(*)
 In wikipages could be called

3) Configuration tips (per <device>)

 Dedicated tips related to configurations, as for example prt-get.conf, ports per device: etc/ports/<device>.rsync, etc.
 With a General section (if required) and a section per device supported(*)
 In wikipages could be called, the one we have now but is empty ATM

* section per device supported could be in the form of another doc like ConfigurationTips.efikamx or ConfigurationTips/efikamx

or it could be implemented with links to files/per/device stored in our webspace



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