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IDProjectCategoryTask TypeSeverity  descSummaryStatusProgress
 29 CRUX-ARMports/opt-armBug ReportLow nmap: footprint mismatch found Closed
Task Description

======⇒ ERROR: Footprint mismatch found:
MISSING -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/bin/nmap-update
MISSING -rw-r–r– root/root usr/man/man1/nmap-update.1.gz
======⇒ ERROR: Building '/pub/pkg/contrib/nmap#6.00-1.pkg.tar.xz' failed.

checking svn_client.h usability... no
checking svn_client.h presence... no
checking for svn_client.h... no
checking subversion-1/svn_client.h usability... no
checking subversion-1/svn_client.h presence... no
checking for subversion-1/svn_client.h... no
configure: WARNING: Not building nmap-update because libsvn1 was not found

IMHO, we should wait until upstream decission

 35 CRUX-ARMports/core-armBug ReportLow Cubox boot.script needs to change Closed
Task Description


When performing an install of Crux on the Cubox device, I use a USB flash drive to store the uImage and uInitrd. Currently, the uboot.git boot-ram.script reads:

setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/ram0 rootwait ro;

But it should actually read:

setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/ram0 rootdelay=10 ro;

The long rootdelay is required for the USB flash drive to be detected by the kernel. Since the Crux media is located on the USB flash drive, "rootwait" results in an installer that can't find crux media to load.

 36 CRUX-ARMports/opt-armBug ReportLow python 2.7.3 fails with dbm error Closed
Task Description

======⇒ ERROR: Footprint mismatch found:
MISSING -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
NEW -rwxr-xr-x root/root usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/

 37 CRUX-ARMwebsiteBug ReportLow Typos in Flyspray Closed
Task Description

There are two typos in Flyspray. The first is in the page titles. Note that there is a separator missing, and duplication of “CRUX-ARM” - here is the page title I have right now:

CRUX-ARM | bugsCRUX-ARM: New Task

I suggest this be fixed to look more like Crux’s, which reads:

Flyspray:: CRUX: New Task

So we should just replace “CRUX” with “CRUX-ARM”

The second typo is when a user enters an incorrect password. When a user enters a bad password, an error appears at the bottom of the webpage that says something about the “paassword” being incorrect or something. The word “password” is spelled incorrectly.

 38 CRUX-ARMports/cubox-armBug ReportLow Xorg input devices not working with udev 167, working w ...Closed
Task Description

Xorg input devices would not work for me using core-arm/udev (version 167) on a cubox platform.

I upgraded to version 182 and the input devices worked fine. I had to patch udev to replace calls to accept4() with accept(). Pkgfile (based on core/udev) and patch appear below:

######## Pkgfile ############
# Description: Userspace device management daemon
# URL: # Maintainer: CRUX System Team, core-ports at crux dot nu
# Depends on: kmod

name=udev version=182
z \

      pre-accept4-kernel.patch 81-crux.rules start_udev)

build() {

  cd udev-$version
  patch -p1 < $SRC/pre-accept4-kernel.patch
  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
              --sbindir=/sbin --bindir=/sbin \
              --sysconfdir=/etc \
              --with-rootlibdir=/lib \
              --with-rootprefix= \
              --libexecdir=/lib \
              --mandir=/usr/man \
              --disable-introspection \
              --disable-gudev \
              --disable-udev_acl \                                                                                                                                                                                                                         --disable-keymap \
              --enable-static \
  make install DESTDIR=$PKG
  mkdir -p $PKG/lib/{firmware,udev/devices/{pts,shm}}
  mkdir -p $PKG/{lib,sbin,run}
  # Symlink to udevd
  ln -s ../lib/udev/udevd $PKG/sbin/udevd
  # Add CRUX items
  install -m 0755 $SRC/start_udev $PKG/sbin
  install -m 0644 $SRC/81-crux.rules $PKG/lib/udev/rules.d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               # Remove junk
  rm -r $PKG/usr/share/{gtk-,}doc


######### pre-accept4-kernel.patch ###########
diff -urN a/src/udev-ctrl.c b/src/udev-ctrl.c
— a/src/udev-ctrl.c 2011-10-09 17:10:32.000000000 -0600
+++ b/src/udev-ctrl.c 2011-10-25 15:11:09.000000000 -0600
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h> @@ -182,6 +183,7 @@

       struct ucred ucred;
       socklen_t slen;
       const int on = 1;

+ int flgs;

       conn = calloc(1, sizeof(struct udev_ctrl_connection));
       if (conn == NULL)

@@ -189,13 +191,19 @@

       conn->refcount = 1;
       conn->uctrl = uctrl;

- conn→sock = accept4(uctrl→sock, NULL, NULL, SOCK_CLOEXEC|SOCK_NONBLOCK);
+ conn→sock = accept4(uctrl→sock, NULL, NULL, SOCK_CLOEXEC|SOCK_NONBLOCK);
+ conn→sock = accept(uctrl→sock, NULL, NULL);
if (conn→sock < 0) {
if (errno != EINTR)
err(uctrl→udev, "unable to receive ctrl connection: %m\n");
goto err;
Since we don't have accept4
+ flgs = fcntl(conn→sock, F_GETFL, NULL); + if(flgs >= 0) fcntl(conn→sock, F_SETFL, flgs | O_NONBLOCK);
+ fcntl(conn→sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); +

       /* check peer credential of connection */                                                                                                                                                                                                    slen = sizeof(ucred);
       if (getsockopt(conn->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &ucred, &slen) < 0) {
 39 CRUX-ARMports/opt-armBug ReportLow gst-plugins-base fails during assembler Closed
Task Description

Here is a build of opt/gst-plugins-base (on the cubox) during which the assembler reports:

{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:586: Error: immediate value out of range – `movt r2,-32640’ {standard input}:656: Error: immediate value out of range – `movt r2,-32640’

The cubox may have some pre-patched or pre-build gstreamer packages for hardware acceleration, but I have not yet investigated them.

 41 CRUX-ARMwebsiteBug ReportLow mailman: fix issues with archives Closed
Task Description

We must to fix issues with archives

 43 CRUX-ARMtoolchainBug ReportLow toolchain glibc --enable-obsolete-rpc Closed
Task Description

Check if we can add this option directly in toolchains.
This will allow to build initrd without building core-cross' glibc.

 44 CRUX-ARMports/cubox-armhfBug ReportLow Looking for ports/cubox git repo Closed
Task Description

Hi, I have some ports for cubox-specific features that I'd like to start uploading into a ports/cubox git repo if that is something that should be hosted by the crux-arm project. We'll probably talk about it on IRC but this FS issue will be a reminder.

 48 CRUX-ARMports/opt-crossBug ReportLow URL invalid for subversion Closed
Task Description

Hello everyone,

the URL for port opt/subversion is invalid:

The only version that is available at that site is 1.7.8:

I tried compiling version 1.7.8 and had no problems.

The new md5sum is:

# cat /usr/ports/opt/subversion/.md5sum
454b9f398415c3504435bf8c3f6ed127 subversion-1.7.8.tar.bz2

Best regards,

 55 CRUX-ARMkernel/vexpressBug ReportLow kernel/vexpress: review config and check FS Closed
Task Description

We need to take a look to vexpress config and make a cleanup.
It'd interesting to add forgotten ext4 support.

 58 CRUX-ARMkernel/cubieboard2Bug ReportLow Review kernel options. Closed
Task Description

Try to cut down not directly related options to this device

67CRUX-ARMinitramfsBug ReportLowinitramfs: problem with e2fsckRequires testing
Task Description

CRUX-ARM 3.0 -

* Mounting /proc, /sys.
* Mounting filesystems... OK
* Populating /dev via mdev... OK
* Registering mdev as hotplug agent... OK
* Creating and mounting /dev/pts... OK
* Starting kernel log daemon... OK
* Setting hostname... OK
* Loading network loopback device... OK
* Saving boot messages... OK
* Trying to find and mount the media installer...
* Searching for the CRUX media...

  • Found media on /dev/mmcblk0p1, CRUX media.

The system is coming up. Please wait.

Please press Enter to activate this console.
# fsck
fsck (busybox 1.21.1, 2013-11-01 23:47:28 UTC)
# e2fsck /dev/sda1
e2fsck 1.42.5 (29-Jul-2012)
ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can’t check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /dev/sda1 is mounted.
e2fsck: e2fsck not compiled with HTREE support,

      but filesystem /dev/sda1 has HTREE directories.

e2fsck: Get a newer version of e2fsck!

/dev/sda1: WARNING: Filesystem still has errors

Possible solution –enable-htree in e2fsprogs configure

 71 CRUX-ARMcrossrootfsBug ReportLow libtool issues with crosscompilation Closed
Task Description

libtool tries to relink during installation but failed due to host libraries

libtool: relink: arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf-g++ -fPIC -DPIC -shared -nostdlib /home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/clfs/usr/lib/crti.o /home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/crosstools/lib/gcc/arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.3/crtbeginS.o .libs/dummy.o cxx/.libs/isfuns.o cxx/.libs/ismpf.o cxx/.libs/ismpq.o cxx/.libs/ismpz.o cxx/.libs/ismpznw.o cxx/.libs/limits.o cxx/.libs/osdoprnti.o cxx/.libs/osfuns.o cxx/.libs/osmpf.o cxx/.libs/osmpq.o cxx/.libs/osmpz.o -Wl,-rpath -Wl,/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/crosstools/lib/gcc/arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.3/../../../../arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/lib -L/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/ports/crossrootfs/libgmp/work/pkg/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -lgmp -L/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/crosstools/lib/gcc/arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.3 -L/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/crosstools/lib/gcc/arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.3/../../../../arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/lib -L/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/clfs/lib -L/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/clfs/usr/lib -L/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/ports/crossrootfs/libgmp/work/pkg/home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/crosstools/lib/gcc/arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.3/../../../../arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/lib -lstdc++ -lm -lc -lgcc_s /home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/crosstools/lib/gcc/arm-crux-linux-gnueabihf/4.8.3/crtendS.o /home/sepen/devel/crux-arm/toolchain/clfs/usr/lib/crtn.o -O2 -mfloat-abi=hard -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/
/usr/lib/ file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
libtool: install: error: relink `’ with the above command before installing it

There is a good explanation of the problem in this thread: (Fun with libtool and cross-builds)

We can reproduce that problem when building crossrootfs on a x86_64 host. Our final target is arm 32bits so we can’t link against non-32bits objects, and that is for what we didn’t detect issues when building crossrootfs on a x86 host.
I’m not happy with this situation.

 72 CRUX-ARMports/efikamx-armBug ReportLow efikamx devices Closed
Task Description

Current libgmp version 5.0.5 fails with assembler error.

The problem is located on upstream Pkgfile which forces the build for i686.
tmp-add_n.s: Assembler messages:
tmp-add_n.s:79: Error: bad instruction `xor %edx,%edx’ [...]

From the original Pkgfile, it specifies:

- Use current build vars for both ABI’s:
- softfp: –build=arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi

 75 CRUX-ARMgeneralBug ReportLow libcgi string.c compile issue Closed
Task Description

Looks like there is a compile bug that’s been open since 2005 for arm platforms:

Patching the string.c file and compiling fixes the package. We might want to fix it since upstream is unresponsive.

 77 CRUX-ARMports/opt-armBug ReportLow python: lacks sem_open calls Closed
Task Description

We need to be sure we build python (generic native build) with shm mounted.

 78 CRUX-ARMtoolchainBug ReportLow toolchain: gcc-static unnecessarily rebuilt Closed
Task Description

gcc-static is unnecessarily rebuilt each time make is invoked due to an incorrect filename extension in the Makefile target definition. Patch follows:

diff –git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4ab3882..568739d 100644
— a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -173,10 +173,10 @@ binutils-distclean: binutils-clean


      wget -P $(WORK) -c$(GCC_VERSION)/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION).tar.xz

-$(WORK)/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION): $(WORK)/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION).tar.bz2
+$(WORK)/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION): $(WORK)/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION).tar.xz

      tar -C $(WORK) -xf $(WORK)/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION).tar.xz
      touch $(WORK)/gcc-$(GCC_VERSION)
 45 CRUX-ARMbootloaderFeature RequestLow MUhRIH <a href="">hckguwwxxtal ...Closed
Task Description

MUhRIH <a href="">hckguwwxxtal</a>, [url=]kvdowxxjwqhs[/url], [link=]kbsgkdubbjvq[/link],

56CRUX-ARMgeneralFeature RequestLowMAKEFLAGS should not fail if defined greater than 1 jobResearching
Task Description

Review all our source tree so that if one tries to use MAKEFLAGS should not fail.

Right now would have to set those parts that need to be forced to -j1.

 73 CRUX-ARMports/core-armFeature RequestLow Add zlib support to kmod Closed
Task Description

It’s nice to be able to gzip modules to save space. Can –with-zlib please be added to kmod? I have it working well with my setup but it would be nice if this was mainlined.

Thanks! redirect stdout while running the scrip...Assigned
Task Description

It would be nice to redirect some part of the output while running the script.
With that ouput we could create a file like crux-arm-2.7-test1.packages or similar which should include a list with all package versions.
The result file will help us to create the Changelog's stuff, etc.

 20 CRUX-ARMtoolchainImprovementLow toolchain 2.6 (eabi/noeabi) problem with glibc and make ...Closed
Task Description

Building toolchain 2.6 in a CRUX 2.7 host (using make 3.82) we can find a problem in glibc build:
*** mixed implicit and normal rules. Stop.

We can try to add a patch and fix this problem to build CRUX-ARM 2.6 (eabi/noeabi) in a CRUX 2.7 host (with make 3.82).
This should be tested in a 2.6 host and verify it builds right too. I’ll try to provide this last check while waiting for comments or opinions in this bug.

— glibc-2.10.1_orig/manual/Makefile 2012-02-08 08:05:11.777529411 +0000
+++ glibc-2.10.1/manual/Makefile 2012-02-08 08:06:46.189531779 +0000
@@ -232,7 +232,9 @@
.PHONY: stubs
stubs: $(objpfx)stubs
-$(objpfx)stubs ../po/manual.pot $(objpfx)stamp%:
+$(objpfx)stubs ../po/manual.pot:
+ touch $@

      touch $@

diff –git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index aea2b53..5af5d60 100644
— a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -174,9 +174,9 @@ $(WORK)/glibc-$(GLIBC_VERSION).tar.bz2:

      wget -P $(WORK) -c$(GLIBC_VERSION).tar.bz2

$(WORK)/glibc-$(GLIBC_VERSION): $(WORK)/glibc-$(GLIBC_VERSION).tar.bz2 $(WORK)/glibc-ports-$(GLIBC_VERSION).tar.bz2

      tar -C $(WORK) -xvjf $(WORK)/glibc-$(GLIBC_VERSION).tar.bz2
      cd $(WORK)/glibc-$(GLIBC_VERSION) && \

+ patch -p1 -i $(WORK)/glibc-$(GLIBC_VERSION)-make382.patch && \

              tar xvjf $(WORK)/glibc-ports-$(GLIBC_VERSION).tar.bz2 && \
              mv glibc-ports-$(GLIBC_VERSION) ports && \
              sed -e 's/-lgcc_eh//g' -i Makeconfig
24CRUX-ARMdocumentationImprovementLowConfiguration per deviceAssigned
Task Description

We should think in a way to have enough documentation for every device support. That includes:

1) Installation

 Should support all devices if not it should be noted in one section called Exceptions or similar
 Should be homogeneous for branches
 In wikipages could be called, the one we have now but is empty ATM

2) Postinstallation tips (per <device>)

 Dedicated tips only related to finish the installation not the configuration
 With a General section (if required) and a section per device supported(*)
 In wikipages could be called

3) Configuration tips (per <device>)

 Dedicated tips related to configurations, as for example prt-get.conf, ports per device: etc/ports/<device>.rsync, etc.
 With a General section (if required) and a section per device supported(*)
 In wikipages could be called, the one we have now but is empty ATM

* section per device supported could be in the form of another doc like ConfigurationTips.efikamx or ConfigurationTips/efikamx

or it could be implemented with links to files/per/device stored in our webspace


 30 CRUX-ARMbootloaderImprovementLow efikamx: unable to load boot.scr from /boot directory Closed
Task Description

by default, uboot on efikamx is configured to load boot.scr files from the topdir of mmc and ide devices, but it would be useful to have a similar behaviour than upstream and place bootloader stuff + kernel images, etc. in /boot directory

this is the default boot command for uboot on efikamx:

bootcmd=for device in "mmc ide"; do if strcmp ${device} == mmc; then; mmcinit;
setenv units "0 1"; else; setenv units "0"; fi; for interface in ${units}; do
if strcmp ${device} == mmc; then mmcprobe ${interface}; else; ide reset; fi;
for fs in "ext2 fat"; do setenv loadcmd "${fs}load ${device} 0:1"; if
${loadcmd} ${scriptaddr} boot.scr; then; if imi ${scriptaddr}; then; autoscr
${scriptaddr}; fi; fi; done; done; done;

maybe it will work by replacing boot.scr by /boot/boot.scr?

 63 CRUX-ARMdevtoolsImprovementLow devtools: add <device>-arm support to checkOverlayUpdat ...Closed
Task Description

The script is useful to obtain ports from core-arm, opt-arm, xorg-arm overlays which are updated in upstream core, opt and xorg.
It would be fine to check ports for 'per device' overlays since gcc, pkgutils, ports and prt-get are ports that we overlayed for each device. In this case, the script should check each port against the upstream repo where the port is located.
For example,

case $repo in

# foreach port in repo
for port in $PORTS; do
  # get upstream repo where the port is located
  for up_repo in core opt xorg; do
    upstream_repo="$(basename $(dirname $(prt-get --no-std-config --config-prepend="prtdir /usr/ports/$up_repo" path $port 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null) 2>/dev/null)"
  [ "$upstream_repo" == "" ] && exit
  # continue
 64 CRUX-ARMinitramfsImprovementLow initramfs: resolving dns problems (bad address) Closed
Task Description

Since we are adding all needed files to get dns resolved, probably we can think about this and remove it or fix it adding libc and ld-linux-armhf files.

# ping localhost
ping: bad address

Final initramfs size will grow 1M. Removing libnss and libresolv files won't make it decrease too much. Could this be interesting for a debugging initramfs and not for a media installer?

Small patch to add those files:
diff –git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 5338441..7d88f5f 100644
— a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ $(WORK)/initramfs.cpio: check-root busybox e2fsprogs dialog $(WORK)/mnt gen_init

      install -v -m 0755 $(WORK)/dialog-$(DIALOG_VERSION)/_install/usr/bin/dialog $(WORK)/mnt/usr/bin
      cp -dRv $(CLFS)/lib/libnss_{files*,dns*} $(CLFS)/lib/libresolv* $(WORK)/mnt/lib

+ cp -dRv $(CLFS)/lib/{,,} $(WORK)/mnt/lib

      install -d  $(WORK)/mnt/usr/share/terminfo
      cp -dRv $(CLFS)/usr/share/terminfo/v $(WORK)/mnt/usr/share/terminfo
      install -v -m 0644 $(TOPDIR)/filesystem/{fstab,inittab,profile,protocols,*.conf} $(WORK)/mnt/etc
 1 CRUX-ARMports/core-crossBug ReportVery Low Sample Task Closed
Task Description

This isn't a real task. You should close it and start opening some real tasks.

Showing tasks 51 - 78 of 78 Page 2 of 2 - 1 - 2

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